Friday, October 22, 2010

:) Happy Day (:

Hey that title looks really cool. Just sayin'. So today I was supposed to meet my best friend from 4th grade outside my school, and guess what?!?! I forgot! How rude is that??!! I remembered ALL day and then....I forget. I hate it when I am like that! UGHish!! Oh well, I guess we'll just have to plan it another time huh? Yep! Haha!
So yeah, that is pretty much the story these days. I've been a little sick, and Lexi went to go give shots to cows! :P But other than that life has been pretty normal I think. We got a new foster sister on Monday! And I love her sooo much! :) She is so stinking gorgeous! Well I gotta go! See-ya!


Saturday, October 9, 2010

:) Smile

I was bored. Deal with it. :) So I have like absolutely nothing to say. I took off the permissions on the blog. So that's good I guess. I woke up at eight this morning. Umm, I had peanut butter on my pancakes. I just listened to AJ sing a song for a dumb new movie. I'm watching Sonny with a Chance. It just ended. UGH! I don't know what to say!!!!! I really want halloween to come so I can dress up as an 80's girl! I am so stinking excited! I am going to be a very cute girl. :) :) :) I'm done. Love- Hannah

Monday, September 13, 2010

I REMEMBERED!!!!!!!!!!

This is hannah! I was just seeing if I remembered mine and lexi's blog and such.......guess what????? I did! So if you just happen to check the blog...more posts a-will be a-comin'!!!!!!! Haha! I gotta go do homework now so see ya later you alligators!!! Love you!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Do hamsters bite more than mice?

AHHHHHHH!!! (Btw the title is true Lex researched it... who would ever know that hamsters bite more than mice?! I mean literally!!!) AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! I (Hannah)(btw me and Lex are sitting right next to eachothers just so you know.) Guess what?! I am meeting my future husband on Saturday! YAY! Lex and I want to be related so I am going to marry her cousin Payton! From what I know he sounds really nice. I am SUPER excited! But now Nathanial has competition! oooooo... dun dun dun!!! (Nathanial is this random hot dude I keep having dreams about... I don't even know him!) Well he isn't the only one I've had dreams about... I had a dream about Payton! I don't know him either so... they're square.( or even whatever!) Here's Lex to talk to you all!
Hi! Guess what?! Hannah is meeting her future husband on Saturday! YAY! Hannah and I want to be related so she is going to marry my cousin Payton! From what she knows he sounds really nice! But what does she know! JK! She is SUPER excited! But now Nathanial(not from our ward...)has competition!oooooo...dun dun dun!!! (Nathanial is this random hot dude she keeps having dreams about... She doesn't even know him!) Well he isn't the only one She's had dreams about... She had a dream about Payton! She doesn't know him either so... they're square.( or even whatever!) Here is Lex to talk to you all. ( oh wait... I am already talking...NEVERMIND!)
Howdy!!! We will q you in on how Saturday goes!!! We gotstes to goses!!! Bu-Bye!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Just me :'( AGAIN!!!

It's just me Hannah again! I'll check in later i just wanted to let you know I'm all alone!!! :'(

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


Hey everyone! This is Lexi. I just wanted to post a new post since my last one is almost a week old!!! Anywho, Hannah and I have girls camp tomorrow!!!! YIPEE! This is Hannah's 2nd year and my 1st year! All the more reason to be excited! YES! I am going to have a BLAST! We are sleeping in a tent with Dellany and Brindy I think! WAY FUN!!!! YES!!! Anywho gots to go! See ya in 4 days at the least! (because of girls camp... :D) ~Lexi

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Just me! :(

Hey everybody! It is just me (Lexi) today. Hannah is in St. George so I am SUPER bored!!! I went to the library and got some books to keep me occupied a little though... Who is excited for the fourth of July!!!??? I sure am!!! I am going up to my cabin for a couple days to go to the Oakley Parade and Rodeo! They are both SO cool!!!! YAY!! I am so excited! I don't really remember any 24th of July parties in my neighborhood except for one. Our neighbors are the Holyoaks (Tate's cousins). For our 24th of July we pulled out chairs and watched fireworks on the street! Tate, Micki, Dionne, Mitch, Karla, Tate's family, My family and friends sat in front of the street and watch the Olsen boys light spinning glow balls and streamers and stuff! It was WAY fun! I remember helping my dad carry our fire pit into the front yard and getting marshmallows, chocolate, and graham crackers and letting everyone roast their own smores! That was way fun too! Come to think of it, I think that was the first time I talked to Tate... I don't know... Any way! July is SO fun!!!! Me and Hannah have girls camp next week on the 8th-11th. We are sleeping in a tent with Dellany and Brindy! SUPER FUN!!!! YAY! I am SOOOO excited for that too!!! Then in 1 month,,, I think,,, I have my class party with my sixth grade class! SUPER excited for that too! I can't even imagine being in 7TH GRADE! I could NEVER survive Junior High without my awesome friends though!!! I love you guys!!

Don't forget to check the blog often!! ~Lexi Kamperoni (as my g'ma calls me... :D)