Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Just stuff...

So, Hannah and I (Lexi) have a busy week this week. We have temple dedication rehearsals tomorrow with our awesome dance partners Chris and Josh. And we have the regular...school, homework, play, pj's, bed... the rest of the week until Saturday. Then on Saturday we have young women girls camp recognition from 9-12 and right after that we have temple dedication rehearsals at the conference center... Ya, busy week... but anyway... it doesn't matter! I am sooooo excited for school to be out but yet I am soooooooo not ready to move on to junior high.... :( cry cry!!! My friends at school are great and luckily i have a junior high in my elementary school! I am WAY hyper right now so I am going to stop typing before I go on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on!!!! Oh man, I am doing it right now... Drat!!! Well, I guess I should go now... See ya! ~Lexi

Friday, May 1, 2009


Hey!!!! I's me, Hannah, again...sorry but I absolutly HAD to say this!!! (sorry lexi if you get mad at me for publishing stuffes without you...I'm sorry,forgive me please!) But I know some or all of you know this but I am going to go see WICKED TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! (That was my scream fading in the distance! he-he!) But ya...I'm way super dar n(don't ask about the space) anyway super dar n dang excited to go I don't know how I'm going to sleep tonight!!!!! If anyone has any suggestions PLEASE let me know!!! Anyway.... Bu-Bye!!!

Just Me... :'(

Hey everybody it's just me (Hannah) today. You probably want to know why right? Well even if you don't I am going to tell you. He-He! I crack myself up!!! Anyway... Lexi is having a sleepover at her grandma's tonight. So I am all alone. Well... I guess not ALL alone because I mean I do have my family, and friends from school...but for the time being I'm alone. So I would really appreciate it if you would feel sympathetic toward me. He-He just kidding you don't have to...but it would make me feel SuPeR DeE DuPeR AmAzInG!!!! *Sigh*.
Anyway I had a very slow week, and two exciting/hilarious/awkward days too!!! But my weeks are always amazing. One just never knows...! But some days are just the normal boring same old dumb stupidly retarded UGHish days where you do the same thing like clockwork. Ya...I have some of those they happen quite frequently. but not always it may be just like a Friday and a Monday.
I can't stand Monday's!!! Can you?!?! I can never drag myself out of bed. But luckily I don't have an alarm clock I need to turn off! Sorry to any of you who do...you should probably try an intercom system...they work pretty well. (My Mom wakes me and my brother up in the morning.) But the thing is, is that if I don't pick out my outfit the night before it takes me like a BAGILLION YEARS to figure out what in world I am going to wear that day. Boy am I jealous to you lucky ducklings (and yes i said "lucky ducklings") that go to APA you have your clothes already picked out for you!!! But that's the only reason I'm jealous I promise! Not that I don't like your school or anything, but I just like the fact that I am going to a public school that's all. :)
Well...I don't have much more to say other then the fact that I don't want this weekend to go by fast1 I really don't think anyone wants this weekend to end! Plus add my stress of starting Honors English CRT's all next week! UGHish BUGish!!!!! Welp gots to go now!!!
Bu-Bye!!!! ~Hannah